Stunning Bhutan

Stunning Bhutan

Explore the Stunning Beauty of Bhutan in Twelve Days.

11 Nights 12 Days

Group size






Bhutan is small and primarily dominated by Buddhist people, placed between India and China. This place is lanced by deep narrow valleys and thick woodlands. The country has no traffic signal and smoking is very much illegal. Traditions are virtually cherished in the sacred mountains of Bhutan.

Youths and old both find a new way of a happy life. Tour managers will pick you up from NJP Railway Station or IXB and take you to the border town Phuentsholing. Phuentsholling is distinctively more urban than other Bhutanese townships.

The next day, you can drive to National Library, housing an extensive collection of priceless Buddhist manuscripts; the Institute for Zorig ChusumThimpu. Then, visit the government-run Handicrafts Emporium and local crafts shops. Hand-woven textiles, thangkha paintings, masks, ceramics, slate and wood carvings, jewellery, and interesting items made from local materials are freely available here.

After that, you can see Lord Buddha Statue. Finish your journey and return to your hotel at Thimpu. Your next drive will be up to Dochu-la pass (3,088m/ 10,130 ft) stopping temporarily here to take in the sight and be in awe of the chorten, mani wall, and prayer flags which beautify the highest point on road.

Next, you can see Punakha Dzong which is the administrative region of the place. At night, stay at Wangdue/Punakha. The next morning, drive to the last town on the central highway before entering central Bhutan, Wangdiphodrang. Next morning, have your breakfast and drive to Trongsa.

In the evening, spend your leisure time going around the Trongsa and have your dinner and stay overnight in Bumthang. The next whole day was spent with Bumthang sightseeing. In the morning, you will drive to Wangdiphodrang. Chimi Lakhang Temples is another attraction of Lobesa village of Punakha Valley.

Come back to Paro and stay back at the hotel. Your next day’s destination is to drive up the Paro valley to view the ruins of Drukgyel Dzong. At night, come back to Paro hotel. Your tenth day’s destination is Chele la (pass), situated at an elevation of 3,988 meters and is considered to be one of the highest motorable passes in Bhutan.

Then drive for almost three hours and come back to Paro. The next day, get ready for a journey from Paro to Phuentsholing. Finally, check out from Phuentsholing for your next destination. The Bhutanese idea of happiness has a deeper connotation than our perception of happiness.

Adventure Bhutan is a practical guide to the “Land of Dragon”. Bhutan is also known for its fiesta and colours. The tour operators will arrange everything to meet and greet officials upon arrival at Airport / NJP Station.

Hotel accommodations are confirmed as stated by the name mentioned in the category for a period. Cost for optional Tours, Up-gradation Charges, Guide, and Sightseeing entrance fees are kept excluded from the price list. Government charges GST as per applicable rates. Cost for any increase in taxes or fuel price leads to a change in the package cost. This may come into effect proceeding to departure.




Phuentsholing: is a border town in southern Bhutan. Phuentsholing lies opposite the Indian town of Jaigaon, and cross-border trade has resulted in a thriving local economy. Phuentsholling is uniquely more urban than other Bhutanese towns, having absorbed the neighboring culture, but distinctly far more quiet and orderly than its neighbor.


After breakfast drive to Thimphu. Enroute visit Few Bhutanese monasteries & Bhutanese typical farm houses. You can stop in different places to take photograph. You can view water fall and different vegetation. In the evening leisure time to go around Thimphu town. Dinner and overnight in Hotel at Thimphu.


After breakfast, sightseeing in Thimphu valley including visit to the following: The National Library, housing an extensive collection of priceless Buddhist manuscripts; the Institute for Zorig Chusum (commonly known as the Painting School) where students undergo a 6-year training course in Bhutan's 13 traditional arts and crafts. Later visit Textile andFolk Heritage Museum, a fascinating testimony of the Bhutanese material culture and living traditions. Then, visit the government-run Handicrafts Emporium and local crafts shops, to browse through example of Bhutan's fine traditional arts. Here you can buy hand-woven textiles, thangkha paintings, masks, ceramics, slate and wood carvings, jewelry, interesting items made from local materials. After lunch, visit King's Memorial Chorten continuously circumambulated by people, murmuring mantras and spinning their prayer wheels. Construction of this landmark was the idea of Bhutan's third king, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuk ("the father of modern Bhutan") who has wished to erect monument to world peace and prosperity. Completed in 1974 after his untimely death, it serves both as a memorial to the Late King and as a monument to peace. Evening drive past Trashichhoedzong, "fortress of the glorious religion". This is the center of government and religion, site of monarch&' throne room and seat of Je Khenpo or Chief Abbot. Built in 1641 by the political and religious unifier of Bhutan, Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, it was reconstructed in 1960s in traditional Bhutanese manner, without nails or architectural plans. After that we visit Lord Buddha Statue, The Buddha Dordenma is located amidst the ruins of phodrang, the palace of Sherab Wangchuck, the thirteenth desi Druk, overlooking the southern approach to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan. On completion, it will one of the largest statues in the world, at a heigh of 169 feet (515.5 meters) , accommodating 100,000 8-inch tall and 25,000 12-inch tall gilded Buddhas respectively in the interior. The statue is surrounded by 943 acres of forest area that comprises the kuensel phodrang nature park. Overnight stay at the hotel in Thimphu



After breakfast, drive up to Dochu-la pass (3,088m/ 10,130 ft) stopping briefly here to take in the view and admire the chorten, mani wall, and prayer flags which decorate the highest point on the road. If skies are clear, the following peaks can be seen from this pass (left to right): Masagang (7,158m), Tsendagang (6,960m), Terigang (7,060m ), Jejegangphugang (7,158 m ), Kangphugang (7,170 m ), Zongphugang (7, 060 m ), a table mountain that dominates the isolated region of Lunana - finally Gangkar puensum, the highest peak in Bhutan at 7,497m. After visit to Punakha Dzong, Built strategically at the junction of Pho Chhu and Mo Chhu rivers in 1637 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to serve as the religious and administrative centre of the region, Punakha Dzong has played an important role in Bhutan's history. Damaged by four catastrophic fires and an earthquake, the Dzong has been fully restored by the present King. Overnight stay Wangdue/Punakha.



In the morning you will drive to Wangdiphodrang. It is the last town on the central highway before entering central Bhutan. Wangdiphodrang Dzong is the town's most visible feature built during the 17th century. After visiting the Wangdiphodrang Dzong and having lunch there you will drive to Trongsa. Trongsa is situated at an altitude of 2200 m. and forms the central hub of the nation. After breakfast visit the Trongsa Dzong. Trongsa Dzong was built in 1648 as an impregnable fortress. The massive structure is built on many levels into the side of the hill that includes various courtyards, passage ways and temples. Above the Trongsa Dzong is the Ta Dzong (Watchtower). It was built to watch out for invaders and travelers. In The evening leisure time to go around the Trongsa. Dinner and overnight in Bumthang




Whole day Bumthang sight seen, Bumthang is the most historical valley with signs of the visit of the Great Buddhist saints from India, Guru Rinpoche (Precious Master) in the 8th Century. The landscape is in a shape of a Bumpa ‘an oblong shaped religious water vase’ as seen from chhoekhor on the western hill of the valley. Therefore Bumthang is derived from BUM meaning WATER VASE and THANG meaning FLAT AREA. Bumthang valley the altitude varies from 2560mtrs to 4000mtrs. Crops mainly grows are Potatoes, Barley, wheat and Buck wheat. Buckwheat flour is used to prepare the Bumthang specialty, PUTTA meaning Buck wheat noodles and KHULE meaning, slightly bitter buckwheat pancake. JAKAR DZONG In 1549 it was built as a monastery by the great grandfather of Zhabdrung (Who unified the country) and later in 1646 it was built by the Trongsa Penlop (Governor) have repaired as monastery fortress (Dzong). In 1683 the main Tower and repaired it. In 1897 it was badly damage by the earthquake. Here in this Dzong when the monk bodies shift from Trongsa Dzong for the summer residence, they perform a ceremony commemorating the defeat of the Tibetan invaders from Lhodrak in 1644. WANGDUE CHOLING PALACE Wangdue Choeling Palace was the historic seat of Bhutan’s reining Wangchuk dynasty, and one of the finest examples of domestic architecture in the country. It was built in 1856 by the founder of Wangchuk Dynasty, Black regent” Jigme Namgyal, Wangdue choeling was where the first and second King’s held court; and where third king grew up and absorbed the lessons of statecraft and court procedure. JAMBAY LHAKHANG it is one of the most important and oldest monastery in the country, it was built by the Tibetan king Songtsen Geombo in 659AD to pin down the Ogress. It is built on the left knee of the Ogress; it is one among the 108 monasteries built by the Tibetan King by sending 5000 disciples throughout the Himalayan country. It was built in the same day as Kychu monastery in Paro. Here they perform religious festival during the autumn of the year. KURJEY LHAKHANG Located 7kms from the main town, the place where monasteries was built is founded in 746AD by the precious master (Guru Rinpoche) during his first visit to Bhutan. The actual Kurjey complex consists of three temples against the hillside facing south. Oldest temple was built in 1652 by the Trongsa Penlop (Governor) Minjur Tempa, on the rock with an imprint of Guru. His eight manifestations are displayed on the altar. The ceiling is decorated with a magnificent mandala dedicated to the eahing of 1900 the second temple was built by the first king Ugen Wangchuk, and third new one was built by the Royal Queen Mother ASHI KEZANG CHOODEN WANGCHUK. TAMSHING LHAKHANG also known as Tamshing Lhendrup Choling, but popularly known as Tamshing. Built in 1501 by the Treasurer discover Terton Pema Lingpa with the help of KHANDROM (FEMALE CELESTAILS BEINGS). Tamshing meaning temple of Good Message, which is located 5kms from the main town. It contains painting of fundamental interest for the history of painting in the region. The inner walls contain the original un-restored images that were painted by Treasurer discover himself. KUNCHUSUM LHAKHANG sometime it is also call TSILUNG; it is a rural looking temple, a short distance from Tamshing Lhakhang. The temple dates back to 7th century, it was restored by the treasurer discover in 15century. The temple is famous for its bell, which bears an inscription from the 8th century. It was stolen and transport to Bhutan. It must been cats for the Tibetan Royal Family so that they can hear the “sound of Buddhism”. KUNCHU meaning “DIVINE BEING, while SUM means THREE “the THREE BUDDHA”.



In the morning you will drive to Wangdiphodrang. In the evening arrive in Wangdiphodrang/Punakha and night stay.



After breakfast visit Chimi Lakhang Temples lies in the fertile Lobesa villge of Punakha Valley. The temple is dedicated to the divine madman-Saint Drukpa Kuenley and the temple is also known as the Temple of Fertility. The temple is accessible by 20-25 minutes from the village near the junction of the road that branches out to Wangdue and Punakha. We first walk through the village of Sosokha and then gradually hike through the paddy fields to Lobesa Village and arrive at the temple. The temple is associated with Lama Drukpa Kuenley lived in Bhutan around the 1500s. He was a highly accomplished Buddhist master but he was called Divine Madman for his humorous approach and sexual overtones in his teachings. As per the legend, Lama Drukpa Kuenley subdued a demoness here who was terrorizing the residents of the valley and marked the site for the temple to be built later by his cousin. It’s a general belief that if a childless couple visits the temple and wishes for fertility, they will be blessed by Lama Drukpa Kuenley and will be able to bear children. Nobody knows exactly how and when the tradition of seeking fertility blessing started in Chimi Lhakhang but today, the temple is famous as the Temple of Fertility. Overnight stay in Paro.



After breakfast drive up the Paro valley to view the ruins of Drukgyel Dzong. It was from here that the Bhutanese repelled several invading Tibetan armies during the 17th century. Nearby visit traditional Bhutanese Farm House which offers good insight into lifestyle of local people. While return to Paro town visit en route Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest and most sacred shrines of the Kingdom. Then you will visit the Ta Dzong. This Dzong was built in 1651 as a watch tower. It means the victorious fortress which was built in 1647 by Shabdrung to celebrate his victory over the Tibetan invaders. In the afternoon you will visit the Rinpong Dzong. It was built in 1646 by Shabdrung Ngwang Namgyal, the first spiritual and temporal ruler of Bhutan. Overnight at the hotel in Paro.

DAY 10


Chele la (pass), at an elevation 3,988 meters is considered to be one of the highest motorable passes in Bhutan. About an hour's drive along a thickly-forested road, is this Pass-a botanical paradise. The pass provides stunning views of the sacred mountain Jomolhari and Jichu Drake. It is also marked by hundreds of prayer flags fluttering in the wind. Here, visitors can see cascades of wild roses; purple and yellow primulas; and swathes of deep blue iris covering the forest floor. The top of the pass bloom with rhododendrons in a variety of colours-pale pink, deep pink, burnt orange, mauve, white and scarlet. Start the day early for drive to Haa via Chele-la pass. 4 Km away at Bondey village the road to Haa diverts towards the right hand side and the climb up towards the chele-la pass starts. After driving through blue pine & rhododendron forest for 45 km, reach Chele-la pass (4200 meters). From this point one can have a superb views of Mount. Chomolhari & Jichu Drakey. This is a very good place to walk around for few minutes enjoying the view. Drive on to Haa, descending all the way for another 22 km (under an hours drive), finally reaching Haa. The Haa Dzong is presently occupied by military, but the view from outside is stunning. After picnic lunch visit the famous Monastery Lhakhang Karpo (White Temple) followed by visit Lhakhang Nagpo (Black Temple). The central shrine in Lhakhang Nagpo is said to have no difference with that of Lhasa JOWO in Tibet. The construction of the Lakhang Karpo is believed to have been assisted by the locality. As a result the place came to be locally known as 'Hay' meaning' surprise' which later became 'Haa' due to the differences in interpretations and pronunciations of different people over time. The three giant hills looming over the fringes of Haa valley were called 'Me Rig Puen Sum' especially after the incidence of the Lhakhang Kdarpo construction. Today the three hills are popularly known as 'Rig Sum Goenpa' signijfying three deities-Jambayang Chana Dorji and Chenrizig. Later in the afternoon drive to Paro same way back. The drive will be under 3 hours. Overnight at the hotel in Paro. 

DAY 11


After breakfast check out from hotel and transfer to Phuentsholing. On arrival check in at the hotel. Overnight stay at Phuentsholing.


DAY 12


NJP Rly Station / IXB Airport (Distance: 170 kms. / Driving Time: 5 hrs. / Altitude of NJP/IXB: 89 mts.) After breakfast check out from the hotel and take the departure transfer to NJP Railway Station / IXB Airport for your onward journey.


Meet & Greet upon arrival at Airport / NJP StationHotel Accommodation as per the name mentioned in the Category for duration as mentioned in the itinerary. All applicable Transfers & Sightseeing by NON AC vehicle which will not be at disposal and will be exclusively used for the group as per the itinerary only (on point to point basis). This vehicle will also change sector wise.


Government GST as applicable (as on date 01/07/2017 it is 05%) Cost for extra usage of vehicle, other than scheduled & mentioned in the itinerary. Cost for optional Tours, Up-gradation Charges, Guide, Sightseeing entrance fees. Cost for any other service not mentioned under the "Cost Includes" Head Cost for Airfare, Train fare, Insurance. Cost for any increase in taxes or fuel price, leading to change in package cost, which may come into effect prior to departure Additional cost arising due to mishaps, political unrest, natural calamities like - landslides, road blockage, etc. In such case extra will have to be paid on the spot by the guest directly. Personal expenses such as laundry, bottled water, soft drinks, incidentals, porter charges, tips etc. Children above 10+ years will be charged 100% as per Adult Rate (EPSR) Children of 5+ to 10 sharing parent’s room will be charged as per CWB or CNB Children below 5 years Complimentary (Hotels are very strict with the child policy. Please carry the age proof so that it can be produced when asked for)

Tours location

Package details
  • All side scenes are covered

  • Top rated drivers

  • All toll tax, parking, fuel included

  • Comfortable and hygienic vehicle


₹ 20020 / Per serson

Enquiry Form

Enquiry Form


    Please note as per the Government Rule, in 01 Tata Sumo / Hard Top Jeep only 08 heads are allowed that is including child. In 01 INNOVA only 06 heads are allowed that is including child. Incase the number of heads traveling increases above 08 in a Tata Sumo / Hard Top Jeep & 06 in an Innova than the guest will have to opt for the 2nd (second) vehicle for which the cost is mentioned above. Incase the guest is opting for INNOVA as per the unwritten syndicate rule; INNOVA will do the main transfer & sightseeing of Kalimpong & Darjeeling only. Lachung & Pelling sightseeing will be done by NON AC Tata Sumo / Mahindra Maxx / Hard Top vehicle which may have front / side facing seat. Gangtok sightseeing will be done by NON AC Maruti Van / Similar (one vehicle for every 04 paying Pax). Also while opting for INNOVA please inform the guest to travel light with minimum baggage of one piece per person. In case of excess baggage the guest will have to opt for an extra vehicle for carrying the excess baggage. The cost for this will be collected directly from the guest.


    STANDERD HOTEL Per Person Extra Person / Child With Bed (CWB) sharing the Room on mattress All Transfer & Sightseeing by 01 NON AC Tata Sumo / Similar & Except Gangtok local sightseeing by NON AC Maruti Van / Similar (04 pax in a vehicle) Meal Plan as per the details mentioned in the Hotel norms.


    There is no contract between AKK CRUSIER and the client until the company has received initial deposit amount of specified tour package. In case, customer wishes to cancel his/her booking before 15 days of the travel date because of whatsoever reasons, including accident, sickness, or any other personal reasons, non-payment of the balance payment, the Company is liable to recover Cancellation charges from the Client. All the cancellations must be communicated in written. Advance amount 50% is also non-refundable in case the cancellation is done within 15 days of the travel dates or No Show scenarios. The Company deserves the right to change the package cost depending on the economical status of the market as per the Government policy. Services will be provided to the customers as mentioned in the booking voucher only. Any complimentary services (If not provided) cannot be claimed in form of cash or alternative service.AKK CRUSIER have the right to cancel your Invoice due to insufficient Advance Amount i.e. 50% of the total tour Package Cost.


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